Global Security Systems

CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our personnel are carefully selected; using psychometric assessment tools applied in the security industry, we ensure we put the "right man in the right place" (Predictive Index). Their integrity held to the highest standard, within the line of duty, and without, thanks to our on-employment and recurring polygraph (Laffayette LX4000) and integrity testing (Iron Screen).

Continuous Evaluation & Surveillance of Duties & Personnel:

For Activities: SLA (service level agreement) through which we continuously evaluate, monitor and optimize the specific activities carried out.

For Personnel: KPI (performance indicators) process by which we individually and periodically evaluate each employee.

Protection Equipment: Specially conceived for the specifics of each activity area (offices, hotels, commercial spaces, industrial spaces, etc.), our employees equipment allows them to adapt perfectly to any work environment.